Sunday, August 15, 2010

Getting Settled

Phillip and I have official been out of our home for a week now. It really is a strange feeling and we're both slightly depressed about it. Despite the current circumstance we are thankful for how things have turned out. We are now able to save money and destroy our debt (yay!) and we are not needing to sell our home. Thank you God!

A few months ago Phillip was laid off from his job. This was unsettling to us because he was a good, hard worker. He had been there for a few years and was liked by the people he worked for. Well, 'due to lack of money and lack of work' they let a majority of their good workers go. They decided to hang onto some workers that they believed were good workers (but ultimately they aren't). Phillip did not receive any type of severence package which was really hard on us. Right away we had to ask ourselves what do we do now?

With a baby on the way and a wife that is yearning to be a stay-at-home-mon (SAHM), we weren't left with too many options. We prayed about wisdom and direction often and everything was pointing us in a very specific direction.

Phillip currently does not have a degree and has been wanting to go back to school, we were just needing an opening and money to make that happen. Thankfully, when  you get laid off you are then able to accept unemployment. Even better, if you go to school you can continue to receive the unemployment without needing to look for work. Both of our families are supporting our decision for Phillip to go to school full time and for that to be his main focus, I am so excited for him.

Now that we had a plan of what Phillip was going to do we had to decide what we would do about our living situation. Again, we prayed and God led. We were thinking about selling our home. But then something better came along... my uncle happened to be moving to our city and was needing to RENT a home! We willingly offered our home and they happily accepted it. As for where Phillip, myself and our son would live... well we had an offer we couldn't refuse...

My parents offered for us to move in with them. They have 2 rooms available in their house. So it worked. Phillip and I have had to condense ALOT! We have trashed so much stuff, given bags and bags and boxes to Goodwill, reduced and then reduced some more! We have alot of our furniture in a 10x15 storage unit now and it is pretty close to exploding. Iden currently has his own bedroom and when the baby gets here they will share. Phillip and I are in the bedroom I grew up in and I think we're both having a hard time adjusting to the small space.

Currently OUR bathroom is in the process of being remodeled (which is really exciting and my mom is super happy that it is getting done) BUT it's taking alot longer than expected. In our bathroom there is only a sink. So that means that there are 5 people that are sharing one bathroom that is in my parents bedroom... craziness I tell you.

Throughout the process of unpacking we are realising that we still have too much stuff... so we're getting rid of more stuff and trying to condense and make it work. As much as I love organizing... this is really tiring and time consuming. Especially for a full-time working pregnant mama. Whew! Boxes are almost empty and soon I will be able to paint both rooms and hang up pictures which I hope will make it feel more like home. Any advice on making space/organizing/decorating small spaces?

- Becky

1 comment:

  1. Brandon and I have a storage shed in our backyard that has two bikes in it. Let us know if you need to borrow the space :-) otherwise, i've heard those airtight bags you see on tv are indeed actually amazing in real life. lol
